Don`t Put Salt On The Wound! Doctors Are Wrongly Using Saline As a Treatment For Varicose Veins

Released on = January 29, 2007, 8:57 pm

Press Release Author = Twin City Vein and Laser Clinic

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Many Americans are turning to cosmetic surgeons for help
with their varicose veins. But many patients find the treatment doesn\'t work end up
still searching for an answer. A phlebology specialist is trained to look beyond the
skin to find the causes and solutions to varicose vein problems.

Press Release Body = More then 80 million Americans cover their legs daily because
of unsightly varicose veins, those inflicted are becoming so desperate for a
treatment they allow untrained doctors and spa type establishments to make there
varicose vein condition much worse.
Many doctors, surgeons, and medical spas advertise themselves as experts in varicose
vein therapy and promise naïve patients total varicose vein removal.
Unfortunately many of the so-called cosmetic surgeons and experts don\'t deliver what
they promise; leaving their patients heart broken, broke, or even forced to wear
unattractive compression stockings possibly for life.
Many of these doctors actually use saline, a mixture of salt and sterile water, as a
treatment for varicose veins and spider veins, therefore putting what constitutes
salt directly into the vein. Some use a laser to try and \"zap\" the vein.
Dr. Sidney Kass, founder of the Twin Cities Vein and Laser Clinic in St. Louis Park,
Minnesota, sees many of these patients after they realize their varicose vein
therapy didn\'t work with other doctors or medical spas around the country.
\"These methods are just not capable of treating the underlying damaged reticular
veins that are the real source of the spider veins,\" Dr. Kass said. \"This almost
always requires specialized treatment that can see under the patient\'s skin.
Dr. Kass is a specialist in Phlebology, the field of medicine devoted to vein
disease. Europe has acknowledged this specialty for more than 50 years, and is
finally gaining much needed recognition in the United States. The American Medical
Association now sanctions the Phlebology specialty field.
A phlebology specialist actually looks under the skin to find the root cause of
varicose veins. For some patients, the cause is heredity--if your grandmother or
mother wore compression stockings and long pants to hide her varicose veins, you are
likely to painfully follow in her footsteps.
Mothers find the spider veins after a pregnancy. Other causes are obesity, injury,
and standing or sitting for a prolonged period of time.
A phlebology specialist determines the best varicose vein treatment that will put
the patient back in shorts and skirts. Sclerotherapy involves a solution injected
into the varicose vein. A new foam sclerotherapy uses a special substance to treat
veins more effectively and reducing the number of treatments.
The procedure only takes about 30 to 45 minutes. After the varicose veins or spider
veins treatment, patients can do whatever they like. \"I always tell my women
patients, \'Yes, you can even go shopping after your procedure is done that same
day,\'\" Dr. Kass said. \"They always love to hear that.\"
Depending on a person\'s medical insurance plan, the varicose vein procedures with
Dr. Kass are covered by most major medical insurances.
\"My patients have 7 days a week personal access to me after surgery, and there truly
shocked when I return there call at 10pm on a Saturday night to make sure there
doing alright or to answer a question or concern they may have,\" Dr. Kass says.
Twin Cities Vein and Laser Clinic founded by Dr. Sidney Kass, a board certified
anesthesiologist and one of only a few physicians in the country who specializes
full time in the varicose veins field. His nationally known medical spa practice in
St. Louis Park, MN has administered over 10,000 consults and vein procedures on
patients who fly in from around the country. Please contact Ben Jordan at
1-952-926-3311 or for more free information please visit

Web Site =

Contact Details = Ben Jordan
5050 West 36th Street
St. Louis Park , 5050 West 36th Street


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